Let's move together

Il servizio  di trasporto Let's move together provides travel, from origin to destination, within the City of Naples. The service is based on an advanced reservation system and is directed to those who, due to their physical or mental disability, are unable to use public transportation service (bus-metro).

The Service consists of accompanying and providing companionship to the disabled in care, entertainment and socialization activities such as cinema, theater, shopping, hairdressing, outings, party times, entertainment, and sports activities. We also offer sightseeing tours in and around the city of Naples with groups of elderly, disabled and adults in need.

Are you planning your vacation in Naples and don't know where to turn? Cosy Fair - Tours for All is the tour operator specializing in accessible tourism for people with disabilities, we offer customized solutions according to your needs.

Per informazioni sul servizio di trasporto Muoviamocinsieme e per organizzare la tua vacanza a Napoli, compila il modulo e ti ricontatteremo appena riceveremo la tua richiesta.


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