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Sailing courses in Naples
In Naples the SAILING courses of the ASD Peepul Sport Onlus are starting free also for disabled young people
The sailing courses in Naples start again, organized by the ASD Peepul Sport Onlus which is committed to giving disadvantaged groups the opportunity to practice sports.
The courses take place at the Navy's Se.Ve.Na at Molosiglio. The first enrollees were welcomed by Captains Aniello Cuciniello and Angelo Patruno of the High Seas Academy Board, with which A.S.D. Peepul sport has entered into a cooperation agreement.
Future sailors have enthusiastically welcomed the "restart." A new adventure that will lead them to try their hand at the world of sailing, under the guidance of experienced and qualified instructors, strengthening their self-confidence and gaining greater self-confidence.
Through the removal of structural architectural barriers, thanks to the installation of the most modern equipment and the purchase of new boats such as the Hansa, the Dream and the 2.4mR, the ASD Peepul Sport Onlus gives the possibility to children with disabilities to attend courses to approach sailing.
The project "SAIL - Empowerment Free Ability Enhancement" provides for the realization of sailing courses in Naples for 120 young people aged 14 to 35. It is funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Youth Policies and Civil Service as part of the Action Plan and Cohesion Notice "Youth for Social 2018".
Thanks to the patronage of the Italian Paralympic Committee Campania section, the ASD Peepul Sport Onlus also organizes courses for already experienced athletes who can compete at a competitive level. In order to increase the positive examples of athletes capable of competing on an equal footing with "able-bodied" athletes.
The initiative aims to promote sports as a generator of socialization and integration processes, development of physical, social and relational skills in a unique marine environment, accessible, welcoming and suitable for the sporting and socialization needs of young disabled athletes. .
Registration for sailing courses is now open.
For information and registration, fill out this Enrollment form or call us 0817647693, 3356973981.